View Full Version : Static code analysis tool for application developed using Qt

19th March 2011, 12:06
I apologize if this is in the wrong place, but couldn't find right category.
Any body using static code analyze tool for developing application with Qt in windows/linux. Any ideas which commercial ( or free ) static code analyzer works better in this case. I found some of them by searching in Google, but couldn't find which works better with Qt? Any ideas.

19th March 2011, 14:57
I'm using SourceMonitor (http://www.campwoodsw.com/sourcemonitor.html) on Windows XP.

29th March 2011, 22:03
Look at Parasoft Test. It is a full range of capabilities for Qt users and is has specialized configurations for your particular needs or industry.


or look at


29th March 2011, 23:13
Do you happen to happen to work for them? Considering you posted this in more than one thread you must have some interest...?

29th March 2011, 23:14
Do you happen to happen to work for them? Considering you posted this in more than one thread you must have some interest...?

Yes, you're correct :) wariola's email address is in their domain.

Anyway - KDE's tool for static analysis seems nice and it has a nice name - krazy ;)