View Full Version : Implementing standard library sockets [SOLVED]

19th March 2011, 18:44
Hello everyone, and sorry in advance if the answer to this is obvious.
It might be worth mentioning that I'm using PyQt4, although answers can be given as if I were using C++, since translating that to a Python solution should be trivial.
I have a chat server that was not written with Qt in mind, so of course it uses standard library sockets. I would like to create a simple client without having the complexities of threads. In other words, I would like something that essentially works just like QTcpSocket, using the readyRead() signal.
Any ideas??

Wasn't aware that QTcpSocket was compatible with standard UNIX sockets. Everything works as expected.

20th March 2011, 22:12
Sockets are sockets. This is something your system handles and not Qt.