View Full Version : What does this mean in the project file.

20th March 2011, 16:46
Hi all I just have a quick query really.

What does

QT += core gui

mean in the project file?

Thanks for your time and trouble

20th March 2011, 16:48
It means your app will be linked against QtCore and QtGui libraries.

20th March 2011, 17:46
Hi thanks very much for that.

Could you perhaps tell me what this means?

Ui::LoginWindow *ui;

Is it creating a pointer to the ui namespace or something??

Confused :confused:

20th March 2011, 17:56
No, it creates a pointer to a LoginWindow class instance, and class LoginWindow is defined in the Ui namespace.

The uic provides an alternative name for the same class: ui_LoghinWindow.
Take a look here (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/designer-using-a-ui-file.html) if you need more information on different ways to use the ui file in your C++ code.