View Full Version : [Plugin] QML components and js code to access Mongo NoSql database

22nd March 2011, 21:09
Hi there,

I'm developing a QML plugin to make access to MongoDB (a nosql database) possible.

If you like, take a look at my github repository (https://github.com/manuels/QtMongo) and tell me if you find are any bugs.



there also is a demo file:

import Qt 4.7
import "QtMongo"
import "QtMongo/lib/json/json2.js" as Json

Row {
Column {
Text {
text: "<b>Object List:</b>"

ListView {
id: listview
focus: true
highlight: Rectangle { color: "lightsteelblue"; radius: 5 }
width: 250
height: 500

MongoDB {
id: db
name: "testdb"
host: "localhost"

collections: [
MongoCollection {
id: mythings
name: "things"

delegate: mydelegate

// this corresponds to
// model = mythings.find({}):
model: MongoQuery {
collection: mythings
query: {}
sort: {}

Component {
id: mydelegate

Text {
text: "Object "+_id

onCurrentIndexChanged: jsonEdit.object = listview.model.get(listview.currentIndex)

Column {
width: 500
Row {
spacing: 2

Button {
text: "save this object"
onButtonClicked: { mythings.save(jsonEdit.object) }
Button {
text: "query this object"
onButtonClicked: {
listview.model = mythings.find(jsonEdit.object)
.toModel(listview.model) // we need a parent here!

JsonEdit {
id: jsonEdit
height: 300
width: parent.width

Rectangle {
id: hint
height: 100
width: parent.width
color: "red"

Text {
anchors.fill: parent
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: "<b>Use up and down keys to navigate!</b><br/>"+
"You also might want to modify the <b>MongoDB.name property</b> to your database name "+
"and the <b>MongoCollection.name property</b> to your collection name to see any data"

Row {
spacing: 2

Button {
text: "Run MapReduce Demo"
onButtonClicked: {
var map = function() { emit(1,{}) }
var reduce = function( key , values ) { return 123; };
var result = mythings.mapReduce(map, reduce, "testname");

console.log( result.find({}).count() )
console.log( Json.JSON.stringify(result.find({}).toArray()) )
listview.model = result.find({}).toModel(listview)