26th March 2011, 00:04
I have a binary image 1024 x 1024 or X x Y lets say, and want to save the data in a ushort array, how do I do that when all of the file.read methods use char* ?
26th March 2011, 02:42
Have you looked at QDataStream? It allows like for instance
QFile file("text.txt", ...);
if (!file.open()) {
QDataStream str(&file);
qint16 val << str;
26th March 2011, 04:29
So I tried that and it seems to work, but I am getting some weird results from the function, the ushorts are 0 from index 0-1023 which is expected, 1024 = ~3000 also ok, 1025,6,7 etc, are ~45000 which is wrong, they should be ~3000 as well.
Do you see anything wrong with the code?
void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_activated()
QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
tr("Open ViVA File"),
tr("ViVA Image (*.viv *.raw)") );
if( !filename.isNull() )
qDebug( filename.toAscii() );
viv_header *hdr = new viv_header();
int32_t xDim = 0, yDim = 0;
QFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
if (filename.endsWith(".viv"))
qint64 bytes = file.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(hdr), sizeof(viv_header));
if (bytes != sizeof(viv_header)) {
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("ViVA Header Error"),
"The ViVA header is malformed file cannot be read!");
xDim = hdr->ImgWidth;
yDim = hdr->ImgHeight;
image_size *i;
for (i = known_image_sizes; i->width != -1; i++)
if(i->width * i->height * sizeof(unsigned short) == file.size())
if(i->width == -1)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("File Dimension Error"),
"The file dimensions are not a recognized length!\n");
xDim = i->width;
yDim = i->height;
if (file.pos() != 0)
uint64_t len = xDim * yDim;
ia = new quint16[len];
QDataStream in(&file);
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < len; j++)
in >> ia[(int)j];
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