View Full Version : QWidget + QGraphicsView + OenGL view port

28th March 2011, 03:20
QWidget + QGraphicsView + OenGL view port

If I use some complicated scene with OpenGL view port it works fine almost everywhere. But on very cheap Intel video card on old XP computer my context menu( called from scene ) flashes and disappears.

Actually not only contex menu but any QWidget shows up and after that disappears behind the view.

Anybody experienced something like this ?

28th March 2011, 13:53
Those intel cards have a poor OpenGL implementation. Disabling OpenGL should help.

28th March 2011, 22:54
Disable OpenGl is not an option for me.

Anything else I can do ?

Thanks anyway!

28th March 2011, 23:59
Anything else I can do ?
Yes, you can buy a decent hardware or complain to Intel about the quality of their hardware and lack of proper public documentation for it.

30th March 2011, 01:41
I cannot ask my customers to do so.
But I've got the idea, thanks:-)

30th March 2011, 07:55
If I was in your situation I would try reimplementing the context menu as a QPainter overlay in QGLWidget. A PITA, but if you're out of options...