View Full Version : Looking for Qt Assistant

30th March 2011, 08:25
I have Nokia Qt SDK installed, and i cannot find the Qt Assistant... Where should i look for it (I read that it should be in Qt Menu. If by this was meant the menu in Start menu -> Nokia Qt SDK then it's a problem, cause there is no Qt Assistant there...

30th March 2011, 08:41
I have the same problem....

30th March 2011, 23:21
On my slightly older Qt SDK the Qt Assistant can be found under:
Start > Qt SDK by Nokia v2010.02.1 (open source) > Tools > Qt Assistant
alongside Designer and Linguist. Or, you can locate assistant.exe under the <SDKDIR>/qt/bin.

In any case, the entire documentation suite is available through the help panel in Qt Creator.

31st March 2011, 07:37
Hm... I hate mine Nokia Qt SDK
Seems like I'll have to install that new 1.1beta SDK (with default Qt SDK and Nokia Qt SDK combined).