View Full Version : find source code for kde ( or gnome ) clock

31st March 2011, 16:55
I am working with the QSystemTrayIcon class which allows you to display an icon or text
in the system tray area.

I need to figure out how the kde system clock is able to show the time, day of week and the time in the system tray area.

I am looking for the source code for this application.

Not sure where to look to find it ? Any suggestions or advice would be great!

Thank you.

Fred B.

31st March 2011, 23:01

By the way, KDE system clock is not in the system tray area, it's a regular plasma widget. Speaking in Qt language it is a QGraphicsWidget. If you want to implement something like that, you need to implement the Plasma::Applet interface. It's documented here: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/plasma/html/classPlasma_1_1Applet.html