View Full Version : Dynamic List Box

4th April 2011, 13:00
I am very new to Qt and also in Symbian too.
what I am trying to make is...
1. Want to Parse XML from server
2. Display the XML content (image, text and URL) in list box
3. When I click on the list item then it hits the corresponding URL (URL is the link to another XML file in the server) and display the content of the URL (XML) in another list box.
Is there any example for the same

4th April 2011, 13:08
Have you looked at the RSS example?


4th April 2011, 13:17
yes I have , but could not find how it will help me. Till now I have done some research and could parse the xml. now what I want is how to display the content of the xml (Image, Text, URL) in the list box and user click on the list box item it will hit the corresponding URL (XML) and will download the content and display it to another list box.
Lets say I have an XML file in the server

<Image> http://server/i.jpg </Image>
<Title> This is a test message </Title>
<URL> http://server/domain/filename.xml </URL>

each item will have some image link, title and another xml file link.
Now when I first parse this XML file it should display the image and the title in the list box and when I click on the list item then it should parse the URL (http://server/domain/filename.xml) and display the content in another list box.

Is there any example for this