View Full Version : Not able to include qextserialport in my application

5th April 2011, 09:18
Hi folks,

To develop serial communication program I have downloaded QextSerialport classes from net. I have successfully compiled this project. and even I cud able to run "qspt" example present in the source downloaded.

But while developing my application, when tried to include qextserialport.h, error is coming saying No such File.

in .pro of application I added following line
LIBS += -lqextserialport

for more details:
path of qextserialport in comp is:


my application is at:

Please help, what am supposed to do make it work

5th April 2011, 09:29
In your .pro-file, you will also need something like this:

INCLUDEPATH += /location/of/your/headers
LIBS += -L/location/of/your/lib -lyoursuperlib