View Full Version : Model sorting vs. selection

13th October 2006, 14:32
Hello! After the sorting of my model (derived from the abstract table model, my own file model) the selection on my table view remains on the (now false) place. The problem: my selection is on the view and my sorting is in the model.
I thought it should work automatically in the view to keep the selection of indexes and not of cells by sorting my model.
What can You recommend?

void FileModel::sort ( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )

bool (*compare_funk)(const BUFileInfo &a,const BUFileInfo &b)=0; //point to the compare-function
switch (column)
case 0:
compare_funk=(order)?BUFileInfo::biggerName:BUFile Info::lessName;
case 1:
compare_funk=(order)?BUFileInfo::biggerSize:BUFile Info::lessSize;
case 2:
compare_funk=(order)?BUFileInfo::biggerExt:BUFileI nfo::lessExt;
case 3:
compare_funk=(order)?BUFileInfo::biggerDate:BUFile Info::lessDate;
case 4:
compare_funk=(order)?BUFileInfo::biggerState:BUFil eInfo::lessState;

//std::list<BUFileInfo>::sort(fileList.begin(),fileList.end(),compare_fun k);
qSort(fileList.begin(),fileList.end(),compare_funk );
emit layoutChanged();



22nd October 2006, 10:24
What can You recommend?
I think Qt 4.2's QSortFilterProxyModel should be able to do what you want.

25th October 2006, 16:46
I know QSortFilterProxyModel from 4.1.2. It really sorts and doesn't lose selection ( the current item can be lost) .
The Problem is that I can overwrite the methode lessThen() but not biggerThen().
I d'like to have the directory list above not dependent of the reverse flag.

My (nor very good) solution was to marry the View and the model

class FileModel: public QAbstractTableModel
bool setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
pSelectionModel= selectionModel;
return bool(selectionModel) ;
std::list<BUFileInfo> fileList;
QItemSelectionModel *pSelectionModel;

and save the selection positions in the data container at the beginning of my Sort methode
void FileModel::sort ( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )
//save the selection if the View is known
QVector<const BUFileInfo *> fiSelVector;
and find the appropriate indexes and set the selection again after the sorting.