View Full Version : Build issues when qextsrialport.h is included in Linux prog

7th April 2011, 10:15

for serial communication program in QT qextsrialport classes are downloaded from net. It successfully compile and .so files are also obtained. It is said that its cross platform can work on both windows and Linux.

Now am developing my application in QT Linux platform and included qextserial.h header. when its compiled its giving error in file qextserial.h as

windows.h file not there.... etc

why the hell its referring windows.h?? do I need to make any changes like removing Win_qextserialport.cpp and Win_qextserialport.h files from qextsrialport folder?

pls tell me what I have missed out

7th April 2011, 15:48
I don't know which version of QextSerialPort you have.
But the issue you have has to do with defines, which are wrong, or not defined.
There are defines that will cause the correct code to be built under Windows or Linux.
Either refer to the QextSerailPort documentation, or look at the header files, and see under which #ifdef section the windows code is referred to.