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View Full Version : Need Installation Help?

7th April 2011, 10:26
Hi all,

I'm very new to Qt; I just installed the pre-compiled version of Qt Framework 4.7.2 for MinGW and Creator 2.1.0 last night and am still at the introductory sections of the documentation while learning from some of the examples and demo apps. I have some questions that I can't really find definitive answer to:

1. My coworker has Qt SDK Win32 2010.05 MinGW edition installed on his computer, and it doesn't have the 'Build Debug Libraries' shortcut, but mine does. Does that mean I have to build the Debug libraries? Or is it that the 2010.05 SDK simply wasn't shipped with debug libraries?

2. All the guides and tutorials I found regarding SSL support in Windows only talk about recompiling Qt and linking it against OpenSSL libs, which I believe isn't applicable to my situation -- I am using the pre-compiled version of Qt Framework. So, does this mean I can't have OpenSSL with pre-compiled version of Qt?

That's about all for now. Thank you in advance for even reading this.