View Full Version : QWebView doesn't load a page on windows

7th April 2011, 13:50
I have a problem with QWebView. It doesn't load http://mail.bigmir.net/signin/ this page on Windows. I tried load it on application written on Windows, on Linux, and Windows and Linux. But that same code load this page in Linux. Why? What I do it bad?

I thought that is my QtCreator fault because on Linux I had 2.0.1 and on Windows I had 2.0.0 but after update it to 2.0.1 on Windows nothing changed ;[
I add that I have version from September on Linux, and August on Windows, but i downloaded the newest package from qt.nokia.com for Windows.

Please help me ;]

EDIT: Upade to QtCreator 2.1 nothing changed too. This website can't load ;[ I ran example browser and it doesn't load it too ;[

7th April 2011, 14:54
I'll note the following: The site is in Russian. Russian sites are notorious for spreading viruses and malware, and often use various forms of misdirection to steer traffic to themselves. Given that, my first thought is that one of the Windows protection routines is blocking access to the site. These are less common in the Linux world because there are fewer malicious sites targeting Linux.

"It doesn't load" doesn't give much information. I'm not familiar with WebView, but checking return values for error conditions would seem like a good place to start in tracking down the problem.

7th April 2011, 15:34
I'll note the following: The site is in Russian. Russian sites are notorious for spreading viruses and malware, and often use various forms of misdirection to steer traffic to themselves. Given that, my first thought is that one of the Windows protection routines is blocking access to the site. These are less common in the Linux world because there are fewer malicious sites targeting Linux..

This site has got mail powered by google, so I'm sure that hasn't got any malware or viruses. I checked it on many vairous computers and it was the same. But bigmir.net loads, doesn't load only this site http://mail.bigmir.net/signin which has google's site redirect.

"It doesn't load" doesn't give much information.

I got blank site. Only this. It show me html like that: "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"


I have alrealy tested application without any antywirus or windows self defence. Nothing changed ;[

7th April 2011, 21:09
<TITLE>Moved Temporarily</TITLE>
<H1>Moved Temporarily</H1>
The document has moved <A HREF="https://www.google.com/a/bigmir.net/ServiceLogin?service=mail&amp;passive=true&amp;rm=false&amp;co ntinue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fa%2Fbigmir.n et%2F&amp;bsv=llya694le36z&amp;ltmpl=default&amp;ltmplcache=2">here</A>.


<TITLE>Moved Temporarily</TITLE>
<H1>Moved Temporarily</H1>
The document has moved <A HREF="http://mail.bigmir.net/gsignin/?SAMLRequest=fVJdT8IwFH038T8sfd%2BXQaMNm0EIkQR1gem Db1132QpdO3s70H9vGRDxQV9PT8%2FHvXd4%2F9lIbwsGhVYJi YOIeKC4LoWqEvKaT%2F1bcp9eXgyRNbKlo87WagEfHaD13E%2B FtH9ISGcU1QwFUsUaQGo5XY6e5vQqiGhrtNVcS%2BLNJgmR1ar mm7ZqS1XXFZTOuGk104Vcr6UoqrqsWbFZl8R7O8W62seaIXYwU 2iZsg6K4tiPBn50k8d3dBDT68E78bKj04NQhwb%2FxSoOJKSPe Z752csy7wW2ogTz7NgJqbSuJARcN3v7jCGKrYNXTCIQb4QIxrq AY62wa8AswWwFh9fFPCG1tS3SMNztdsGPTMjCQlSNMIECGzKOJ O0nS%2Fty5myk%2F0dnJ2uS%2FogPwzOp9LixfZHZJNNS8C9vJ KXejQ0w61pY07kSU20aZv92i4O4R0Tpr3oq7RS2wMVKgFtRmB5 cf5%2BGO5hv&amp;RelayState=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co m%2Fa%2Fbigmir.net%2FServiceLogin%3Fservice%3Dmail %26passive%3Dtrue%26rm%3Dfalse%26continue%3Dhttp%2 53A%252F%252Fmail.google.com%252Fa%252Fbigmir.net% 252F%26bsv%3Dllya694le36z%26ltmpl%3Ddefault%26ltmp lcache%3D2">here</A>.


[website code]


<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=https://www.google.com/a/bigmir.net/ServiceLogin?service=mail&amp;passive=true&amp;rm=false&amp;co ntinue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fa%2Fbigmir.n et%2F&amp;bsv=llya694le36z&amp;ltmpl=default&amp;ltmplcache=2"></head><body><script>var url = 'https://www.google.com/a/bigmir.net/ServiceLogin?service\75mail\46passive\75true\46rm\ 75false\46continue\75http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com% 2Fa%2Fbigmir.net%2F\46bsv\75llya694le36z\46ltmpl\7 5default\46ltmplcache\0752';
var parts = (window.location+'').split('#');
if (parts.length == 2 && parts[1].length > 0) {
url += '#' + parts[1];
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.location = url;
}, 0);


[website code]







<TITLE>Moved Temporarily</TITLE>
<H1>Moved Temporarily</H1>
The document has moved <A HREF="http://mail.google.com/a/bigmir.net/?AuthEventSource=SSO&amp;auth=DQAAAKAAAACeZCHwJ93fQU3E JBbc284So48t2C1gtNRkfgM8L3_v-nFa-BSz59zIv-NSI8mvrQDjYqdhwyKKpx97hxznBl6ve1aUzJlt1632ep2h4vgp RT6Qm-8LHdIB5Wu8tm13ZNnPkIwYJiyR4qudVVkBQiXsrSl7hF86q6k-qgO-pPpGLZXHZzbrcwPsw_JaFokXO7TQC4VU40Ap2r3Cg6XAQZXa&amp;h usr=dupaxdd%40bigmir.net">here</A>.


<html><head><title>bigmir)net</title><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=http://mail.google.com/a/bigmir.net/?logout"/></noscript><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function doRedirect(){setTimeout("location.replace('http://mail.google.com/a/bigmir.net/?logout')", 1000);}</script></head><body onload="doRedirect()"><span><img width="1" src="http://global.bigmir.net/rlogin?i=&DEBUG_MODE=0&rnd=4.1542409472" /></span><br /></body></html>

This returns me my application on Linux.

<TITLE>Moved Temporarily</TITLE>
<H1>Moved Temporarily</H1>
The document has moved <A HREF="https://www.google.com/a/bigmir.net/ServiceLogin?service=mail&amp;passive=true&amp;rm=false&amp;co ntinue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fa%2Fbigmir.n et%2F&amp;bsv=llya694le36z&amp;ltmpl=default&amp;ltmplcache=2">here</A>.



This is code which is returned by my application on Windows. That same code. My laptop (Linux) is 32-bit and my PC (Windows 7) is 64-bit, but both have QtCreator 32-bit. is it has any mean?


I cut some website code. It's not important, but very long.

When I look at it I think my application can't redirect, but I don't know why ;[