View Full Version : Qt + opengl+opencv black screen

11th April 2011, 05:12
hi, i have compiled a code taken from http://rafaelpalomar.net/sites/default/files/QtOpenCVExample.tar_.gz to display the webcam output on a qt widget. The code works great on my laptop which has nvdia graphics, but when i compiled the same code using my netbook which has a intel nm10 chipset the output only shows a black widget but i am able to display qt opengl example on the netbook. Can anyone here tell me what i am misssing or do i need any extra package to make the system work.

11th April 2011, 15:49
It probably GL extensions issue.
Have a look in the code which GL extensions are used, and run a GL extension info tool on your the netbook, and see if the graphics card there support these extensions.
Intel graphics chips support GL extension very poorly.