View Full Version : Qt Creator Can't show the qwt widget in the embedded designer

13th April 2011, 05:23
I can't show the qwt widget(customer widget) in the embedded designer. The qwt widget can be shown in the QT Designer perfectly.

By the way, I only copy the "qwt_designer_plugin.dll" into my QT folder C:\Qt\4.7.2\plugins\designer. Shall I put into another folder to let QT Creator recognized the qwt widget?

13th April 2011, 15:18
I submit this suggestion to qt bug tracker. Tracker URL (http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-4518) Hope to get some update from them.

30th May 2011, 21:07
I had the same problem.

My solution was you need to copy 2 files to separate locations where qt can find them:

qwt.dll and qwt_designer_plugin.dll

On my machine this was: C:\Qt\4.6.3\plugins\designer\qwt_designer_plugin.d ll
and C:\Qt\4.6.3\bin\qwt.dll

Then if you are using designer embedded into qt creator I copied to one more 3rd location: C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.0.0\bin\designer\qwt_designer_plugin.dll

I don't know if this is what is intended %100 by QWT but it worked for me on windows.

