View Full Version : The QT creator embedded Designer can't show the qwt plug correctly

14th April 2011, 02:05

The QT creator embedded Designer can't show the qwt plug correctly. But the QT designer works fine. I submit the situation on QT bug tracker and they comment the problem might go with the build method with qwt. You can get find the tracker comment Here (http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-4518). I also notices that the load failure on the qwt plugin in QT creator.

Anyone knows how to solved that?

14th April 2011, 03:03
read the entire line regarding the failed plugin. It might tell you that it is trying to load a debug build of the qwt designer plugin. If so, you probably need to delete the qwt designer plugin dll/lib etc. in your build tree, rebuild it in release mode, and put the new release dll in the designer plugin folder.

Just noticed you were using qt creator. I don't know much about qt creator, so the above might not be your answer. I also received a failed plugin message when the qwt dll was not in my path, which makes sense of course.

14th April 2011, 07:17
Are designer and creator built with the same compiler ?


14th April 2011, 09:42
I download the pre-build QT creator from QT web page. It should be mingw32 version. For the qwt, I compiler by myself on mingw32.

14th April 2011, 09:53
pre-build QT creator from QT web page is built in MSVC.

As gedrite said, read the whole line of the image you showed us in your first post. That will tell you what is wrong.