View Full Version : Passing pointer to object that emits a signal

17th April 2011, 07:04

I have an issue that I think I know what it is, but not sure.

I have 3 classes:




LittleFoo emits a signal and I have a pointer to one of these objects in both Foo and Foobar, but this object is created in Foo.

From Foo, I connect the signal emitted from LittleFoo to a private slot in Foo, I then pass a pointer of LittleFoo to Foobar where I do some additional work with LittleFoo (Gui interface to LittleFoo)

When I make a change to LittleFoo inside Foobar, it stops emitting the signal inside Foo.

Any suggestions?


17th April 2011, 20:19
One suggestion: describe your problem again, code snippet would be better then this too complicated sentence.
Anyway your description of problem is not sufficient to have any clue what is the problem.

17th April 2011, 21:04
I figured it out. I wasn't using the method that starts the signals emitting. It's all good.

Thanks for the reply
