View Full Version : How to merge Cocoa classes with Qt?

19th April 2011, 05:44

I am working on Qt4.7 on mac os, i want to use Objective C Classes(.m,.h and .xib) with Qt4.7, but not have any idea that how to merge and bulild the application using both Qt and Objective C. Can anybody explain it to me with an example.

19th April 2011, 10:28
You should read about how to use C++ in Cocoa projects frist, as Qt is C++.
Then you need to add to the build sequence the mocing of you QObject header files, and if you have Qt ui files - then "uic" them.
This again probably has more to do with how to customize cocoa project builds.
In other words - you probably will get more help on a Cocoa related forum.

20th April 2011, 03:09
Good luck.

20th April 2011, 12:26
Thanks for the reply, but you can tell me that how can i add (Cocoa .XIB) file in the pro file created by Qt and link with Qt Application.

20th April 2011, 12:58
This is off topic for this forum, I don't know if anyone here has done somthing like this.
You better ask in objective-C / objective-C++ forums about mixing C++ with objective-C.