View Full Version : use the plugin and QT script at the same time

25th April 2011, 06:37
Can I use the plugin function and the QT script at the same program? That means to build a plugin DLL and load by plugin loader then I can use write a easy script to drive that plugin.

I try to implement this idea into my program. The plugin load successfully but I can't drive by the script. Does anybody uses this idea in your program? Any example for me to study?

My plugin interface

class TaInterface
virtual ~TaInterface() {}
virtual QString pluginName() = 0;

public slots:
virtual bool initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorString) = 0;
virtual QString function() = 0;

Load plugin and set to script engine

void MainWindow::loadPlugins()
engine = new QScriptEngine(this);

pluginsDir = QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath());

if (pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "debug" || pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "release")


foreach (QString fileName, pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files))
QPluginLoader loader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
QObject *plugin = loader.instance();
if (plugin)
pluginFileNames += fileName;
Interface *ta = qobject_cast<Interface *>(plugin);

QScriptValue TaToScript = engine->newQObject(plugin);
engine->globalObject().setProperty(ta->pluginName(), TaToScript);



DLL plugin

class AD : public QObject, public TaInterface

bool initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorString);
QString pluginName();

public slots:
QString function();


25th April 2011, 11:10
So what exactly doesn't work?

26th April 2011, 02:25
The script file can't find the function which listed in the public slot in the interface.
I am new to the script. Can you please guide me what's wrong?

var functionName = AD.function();

27th April 2011, 06:52
does anybody have idea? I still can't figure out the way to use QT script to drive a plugin function.

Thanks for your attention!

27th April 2011, 08:23
Does the AD object exist? Please provide a print of its properties (if you don't know how, search the web for printing properties of javascript objects).

28th April 2011, 13:04
I think AD object is exist. After I load the AD plugin, I can use
QObject *plugin = loader.instance(); to get he QObject correctly. And I can use
Interface *ta = qobject_cast<Interface *>(plugin); to set the QObject to correct class.
The ta->pluginName() is functional. However, when I assign this QObject to the script engine, the debugger can't recognize this object. I also do a comparison with QPushButton. If I sent the QPushButton to the script engine. The debugger shows every properties. Please find the detail pic in attached.
I don't know why the my plugin properties can't work well after I send the plugin object to script engine but the QPushButton works just fine?

28th April 2011, 13:15
I think AD object is exist.
I mean does it exist in the script context. Looks like it does (based on the pics you provide) and it seems a function() function is there, so everything should work. What's the problem then?

28th April 2011, 14:04
Finally I got my script working.

I modify the implement of function()

void AD::function()
qDebug() << "This is a test";

and the script file


after runt the script, I could find my qDebug() window shows

This is a test

The problem might go with the syntax error of my script file. Thanks for your help!