View Full Version : Mainwindow layout change

27th April 2011, 10:14
hello friends

Actually i face a problem while going form one Mainwindow to another Mainwindow..
suppose i have mainwindow name Mainwindow1 and another mainwindow name Mainwindow2...now on the pushbutton of Mainwindow1 when i want to go to Mainwindow2 then it works but the layout of the mainwindow changes..its size decreses..

the code i have wrritten in pushbutton of Mainwindow is..

void MainWindow1::on_Clicked_pushButton()
MainWindow2 *m=new Mainwindow();

but when i perform same task by using diaglog its works fine..so whats the problem..if anyone please suggest..

with regards

28th April 2011, 01:33
This question and the one in http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/41017-size-of-Mainwindow-Shrinks-when-i-call-it-from-a-Dialog are almost identical. Are you the same person as http://www.qtcentre.org/members/23019-ranjit.kadam?