View Full Version : QPainterPath::quadTo(...) calls QPainterPath::cubicTo(...) ?

28th April 2011, 23:30

I am using the QPainterPath::quadTo(...) to create quadratic Bezier curves.

Oddly, whenever I call this, the call is internally passed on to QPainterPath::cubicTo(...) and a curve with a start, end & 2 different control points is created. I was expecting a curve with a start, end and 1 control point.

This does not seem correct to me. Does anyone have any input on this?

for example, when I call

QPainterPath path( QPointF( 0,0 ) );
path.quadTo( 100,100, 200,200 );

I have stepped into the call with a debugger and inside QPainterPath::quadTo(...) at the end of the function it calls:

cubicTo(66.666666, 66.666666, 133.333333, 133.333333, 200.0, 200.0)

I'm using Qt 4.7.1 64-bit with MS VS2008 64-bit

Insights much appreciated!
