View Full Version : Custom QStyledItemDelegate paint function never called

30th April 2011, 23:21
I have a custom Model, View and Delegate. I am unable to get the Delegate paint function to ever get called. It should print a debug statement, however it behaves as if I never created the delegate Here is a brief part of the code. Please let me know if there are other functions that would be useful to post. Thanks!

class QtCellItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
QtCellItemDelegate( QWidget *parent = NULL );

void paint( QPainter *painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index );

QSize sizeHint( const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex & index ) const;

QtCellItemDelegate::QtCellItemDelegate( QWidget *parent ) :
QStyledItemDelegate( parent )
qDebug() << "CONSTRUCT"; // this gets printed, good!

void QtCellItemDelegate::paint( QPainter *painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index )
qDebug() << "Begin Paint"; // this is never printed, function never called
QStyledItemDelegate::paint( painter, option, index );

qDebug() << " Begin custom paint";
// custom stuff...
qDebug() << "End paint";

QSize QtCellItemDelegate::sizeHint( const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex & index ) const
return QSize( 60, 60 );

class QtDirector : public QObject
friend class QtFactory;

int Exec();

~QtDirector() {}


QtDirector( int &argc, char **arg,
std::shared_ptr<QtPuzzleModel> puzzleModel );

QtGameApplication *_app;

QTableView *_tableView;

QtMainWindow *_window;

std::shared_ptr<QtPuzzleModel> _model;
std::shared_ptr<QtCellItemDelegate> _delegate;

QtDirector::QtDirector( int &argc, char **argv,
std::shared_ptr<QtPuzzleModel> puzzleModel )
: _app( new QtGameApplication( argc, argv ) ),
_tableView( new QtPuzzleView ),
_window( new QtMainWindow( _tableView ) ),
_model( puzzleModel ),
_delegate( new QtCellItemDelegate( _tableView ) )
if ( !_model )
throw std::runtime_error(
"Cannot instantiate with NULL QtPuzzleModel" );
_tableView->setModel( _model.get() );
_tableView->setItemDelegate( _delegate.get() );

qDebug() << "My delegate is: " << _delegate.get(); // output of this
qDebug() << "Table view is using: " << _tableView->itemDelegate(); // and this is the same

connect( _window->GetLoadAction(), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
_model.get(), SLOT( LoadPuzzle() ) );
connect( _window->GetNewAction(), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
_model.get(), SLOT( NewPuzzle() ) );
connect( _window->GetUndoAction(), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
_model.get(), SLOT( Undo() ) );
connect( _window->GetRedoAction(), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
_model.get(), SLOT( Redo() ) );
connect( _window->GetMarkHintsAction(), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
_model.get(), SLOT( MarkPuzzleHints() ) );

connect( _model.get(), SIGNAL( hasPuzzle(bool) ),
_window->GetMarkHintsAction(), SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );

connect( this, SIGNAL( canUndo( bool ) ),
_window->GetUndoAction(), SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );

connect( this, SIGNAL( canRedo( bool ) ),
_window->GetRedoAction(), SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );

QApplication::translate("windowlayout", "Sudoku"));

class QtPuzzleModel : public QAbstractTableModel, public Sudoku::ICellObserver
// typedef std::map<Sudoku::Position, int > CellModelMap;

QtPuzzleModel( QObject *parent,
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::IPuzzleAccess> access,
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::GameController> gameController,
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::PuzzleController> puzzleController,
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::CellController> cellController );
int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
// read data
QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
// edit data
bool setData( const QModelIndex & index,
const QVariant & value,
int role = Qt::EditRole );
Qt::ItemFlags flags( const QModelIndex & index ) const;

// disable some stuff
QVariant headerData( int section,
Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role ) const;

void Update( const Sudoku::Cell &c );

public slots:
void NewPuzzle();
bool LoadPuzzle();
void MarkPuzzleHints();
void Undo();
void Redo();

void ValueChanged( int x, int y, int value );
void hasPuzzle( bool yes );

std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::IPuzzleAccess> _access;
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::GameController> _gameController;
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::PuzzleController> _puzzleController;
std::shared_ptr<Sudoku::CellController> _cellController;

class QtPuzzleView : public QTableView
QtPuzzleView( QWidget *parent = NULL );

virtual void setModel( QAbstractItemModel *model );

void resizeRows( int rowCount );
void resizeCols( int colCount );

protected slots:
void columnCountChanged( int oldCount, int newCount );
void rowCountChanged( int oldCount, int newCount );

4th May 2011, 19:40
Make sure the delegate doesn't get destroyed before it is ever used. And make sure you have some data in the model, otherwise there is nothing to paint.

6th May 2011, 01:57
That's not the problem. QStyledItemDelegate:: paint() is a virtual const method. His is not, so the signatures don't match.