View Full Version : Does Phonon module depend on Qt mobility API

3rd May 2011, 05:39
I am new in QT mobile application. I have a question ...
Does Phonon module depend on Qt Mobility API ? i.e., are Phonon::MediaObject , Phonon::MediaSource etc included into Qt mobility?

please let me know.


4th May 2011, 00:52
Phonon does not directly depend on Qt Mobility.

4th May 2011, 08:10
I developed a media player with phonon for mobile device on NOKIA QT SDK 1.0 (it includes older version of qt and qt mobility) and deploy it directly from NOKIA QT SDK 1.0 on mobile device(C6-00) using Nokia PC Suite BUT doesn't work.

I download QT SDK 1.1 (it includes latest version of qt and qt mobility) published on 6 april 2011 and deploy it directly from QT SDK 1.1 on mobile device(C6-00) and works fine.

My question what was the problem?
is it for qt version or qt mobility version?
please clarify me.

NOTICE : my Media player is to play remote video file from mobile connecting to WLAN.

4th May 2011, 11:00
The newer version probably had a backend for Phonon for your platform and the older one didn't.