View Full Version : configure qt mobility

3rd May 2011, 10:56
hi every one ..

i went through alot of steps that explaining how to configure qt mobility.. but none of them worked with me .

i just want to writ a code that send SMS through E71 mobile phone ..

so .. can any one kindly tel me how can i configure qt mobility ????

4th May 2011, 00:47
What exactly do you mean by "configure qt mobility"? I'm assuming you don't mean the call to configure prior to building mobility...

4th May 2011, 09:45
i included <QMessage> to the code

when i build the project the following error appear :

'QMessage' was not declared in this scope

i googled it , and one of the solutions was to configure qt mobility

4th May 2011, 10:57
You need to add the following entries to your project file:
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += messaging

5th May 2011, 08:03
i already added them to the project file but the error still there.

i know that i am missing something but i don't know what :( :(

5th May 2011, 08:30
Where is the "QMessage" file in your system?

5th May 2011, 08:52
i found it in three places :

1 C:\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\middlewar e (only h file)
2 C:\S60\devices\S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v0.9\epoc32\inc lude\mw (only h file)
3 C:\QtMobility\qt-mobility-symbian-opensource-1.1.1\src\messaging ( both h and cpp files)

5th May 2011, 10:14
Have a look into your Qt installation directory. There you will find a mkspecs directory containing a features subdirectory. Inside among other files there should be a mobility.prf file. See if the MOBILITY_PREFIX variable inside the file is set to one of the three directories you mentioned. If the file is not there at all then you didn't install QtMobility correctly.

9th May 2011, 13:33
thank you for your support ..

i downloaded the new qt sdk and gave it a shot .. and every thing went fine :)

thank you again