View Full Version : Including a static library

5th May 2011, 16:17
I'm trying to add an external library (libmesh) to a project that must be created under Linux environment.

I've downloaded and compiled the library myself, so it's in a not standard location. The location is in


while headers are located in


in this directory I've many subfolders (base, geom etc).

The first thing that I'd like to know is how I can include all include subfolders without declare a INCLUDEPATH for everyone, but telling that I want to use all subfolders of mydir/include.

Then, I'd like to know how include the .so file in my project.

I've tried to use

LIBS += $$quote(mydir/lib/libmesh.so)


LIBS += -L$$quote(mydir/lib/libmesh.so)

but nothing happens: I got a lot of "undefined reference" errors.

Have you any suggestion?

5th May 2011, 16:20
For include subdirs try with

SUBPATH = $$system(ls include)
for(d, SUBPATH):INCLUDEPATH += include/$$d

The correct syntax for libraries is

LIBS += -L$$quote(mydir/lib) -lmesh

6th May 2011, 03:17
Have you any suggestion?

If the library file you wish to link against has a name ending in .so then it is a dynamic library, not a static library which would end in .a. If both dynamic and static versions of the library exists, then the linker will usually take the dynamic library by default.

6th May 2011, 09:35
Thanks for our reply.

I've seen the QMake documentation and I've seen some example. Thanks. I've another problem, but I'll put it in another thread.
Thanks again to everyone.