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View Full Version : Problem in changing status of new message(SMS) to "Read"

6th May 2011, 20:21
The desktop notification of "New Message/SMS" is removed in nokia symbian phones when the message is marked as "Read". What i am trying to achieve is mark the sms as read and want to reflect the same in default messaging application too.

I tried with setStatus(QMessage::Read) but it is changing the status only for my application. ( why i said so: because message.status() returns "Read" ). I want the status to be changed in the default messaging store.

QMessage message = m_manager.message(m_messageId);


Any help will be appreciated.

9th May 2011, 09:07
but it is changing the status only for my application.
...I want the status to be changed in the default messaging store.

For effecting anything outside your application, you will have to call native system API.