View Full Version : scrolled widgets containers in Mainwindow

24th October 2006, 13:27

using QScrollArea class i'm able to have individual windows that can be scrolled.
what i'll like to know is if it possible to have a frame or area container full of widgets (pushup buttons and alike) inside a mainwindow widget.

I'm trying to have this for almost a week so I'm posting here this question.

I' m sending a .png graphics. The top figure is what i'm able to get, the bottom figure is an example of what i want (notice the scroll bar at the left frame).

any hints or a simply it's not possible answer will be much apreciatted.

best regards,

António Tomé

24th October 2006, 14:40
If I am right, currently you are having a QGroupBox inside QSplitter. Instead, add QScrollArea to QSplitter and then add QGroupBox to QScrollArea. You will get the scrollbar as you need.