View Full Version : QTreeWidgetItem problems

9th May 2011, 21:11

I'm trying create a QTreeWidgetList with multiple parents
root->parent->another parent->item

I'm adding the items by traversing through the already added parents and selecting the correct one by searching after the name of the parent. This works good until I try to add items to "another parent" then it returns null even if it have found correct parent node. Can anyone help me figure out what is happening?

QTreeWidgetItem* LabelingWidgetQt::iterateTreeWidget(QTreeWidgetIte m* parent, QString str)
int count = parent ? parent->childCount() : treeWidget_->topLevelItemCount();

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* item = parent ? parent->child(i) : treeWidget_->topLevelItem(i);

return item;

return 0;

Here I create the Item and adds it to the found parent node.

QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(name));

QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem = iterateTreeWidget(0,QString::fromStdString(parent) );

I'm using the same iterate method to add the parents/groups and this works fine and I can have multiple parents, but I cannot add items to the multiple parents, only to the topLevelItems.

QTreeWidgetItem* groupItem;

if(parent == "root"){
groupItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeWidget_);
groupItem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(name));
} else {
QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem = iterateTreeWidget(0,QString::fromStdString(parent) );
groupItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem);
groupItem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(name));

Thanks for any help!

10th May 2011, 07:16
Problem solved. .)