View Full Version : 2D Line Plot with Colored Vertical Lines combined

9th May 2011, 22:54
I am planning on using Qwt to plot 2D line plots, which will
consist of real time floating point data as a function of time.
I anticipate having two data streams, with separate Y axis
content and a common x axis representing time.
This requirement seems to be fulfilled with Qwt line plots.

However, I have one sort of unique requirement. I need to
have plotted colored vertical lines for the entire range of
Y as various points in the x-axis timeline. These vertical
lines demarcate segments in time. The number of vertical
lines representing the maximum number of segments is no more
than 10 over the entire range of x (time).

Anyone ever attempt this? Any recommendations on the best
way to implement such a thing? Can I achieve this with a separate
data set at a particular value of x?

10th May 2011, 06:15
Implement a new type of plot item for your vertical lines.


11th May 2011, 15:15
I am a newbie on Qwt, can you be more specific? I would need a sequence of vertical lines, which would have full vertical height, but these data points could not be content that drives autoscaling vertically.
How could a singular XY data point represent a range of Y for a single X.?

11th May 2011, 17:25
What about a QwtPlotMarker(). I would need a value that would be created dynamically, and the content of the marker spanning the entire range of Y would not be involved in autoscaling Y calculations.

11th May 2011, 19:15
I didn't get 100% what you need, but have a look at QwtPlotIntervalCurve. Check the friedberg example and enable the bars mode.
