View Full Version : News of future of Qt?

12th May 2011, 23:53
I love using Qt to program with. I can do just about everything with it, and if I can't, it's usually because I just haven't learned that area of Qt yet. Not only is it powerful in it's own right, but damn it's multi-platform! My question is this, now that Microsoft has bought Nokia does anyone know what the future of Qt is? Or are there just rumors? I'm just a bit curious about, because I hope Qt will continue to be as amazing as it already is.

13th May 2011, 08:08
Note this topic (http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/11/responses-to-qt-5/).

21st June 2011, 12:52

Announces continued support for Qt as part of 'next billion' strategy

The Qt framework is at the core of Nokia's existing smartphone product line, and today there are more than 100 million Nokia Qt devices worldwide. Ovi Store consumers are downloading an increasing number of Qt applications, including in high-growth markets like Asia-Pacific. Tapping into this trend, Nokia will make Qt core to building applications that connect the next billion users to the internet. For Qt developers, this will mean a dramatic increase in reach and opportunity during the coming years.

21st June 2011, 21:37
Ah, but could they have said anything else??