View Full Version : QwtLegend items disappear when checked off

16th May 2011, 20:58
I've got a plot with a legend that initially appears ok. However, when I click on an item in the legend to deselect it (uncheck it?) it is not only unchecked, but it disappears from the legend entirely. Furthermore, I never get a signal when an item on the legend is clicked.

Here is part of my code (I have left out quite a bit of code from this class):
In the constructor of my class, plot_ is a QwtPlot*:

QwtLegend * legend = new QwtLegend();
legend->setWhatsThis("Click on an item to show/hide the plot");
plot_->insertLegend(legend, QwtPlot::RightLegend);
connect(plot_, SIGNAL(legendChecked(QwtPlotItem *, bool)),this,
SLOT(showCurve(QwtPlotItem *, bool)));

Later on, when I add a new curve (newSpec is a QwtPlotSpectrogram* ):

newSpec->setItemAttribute(QwtPlotItem::Legend, true); // add to the clickable legend

I assume the two problems (signal not set up correctly, items disappearing) are related but I can't figure out why or how to solve it. Thank you very much!

Edit: forgot to mention, if this helps, the itemCount() of the legend does change (decreases by 1) when one of the legend items disappears.

17th May 2011, 06:49
Check the cpuplot example,


17th May 2011, 13:47
Hi Uwe,

Thanks for your quick reply. It turns out I should not have been using attach() but rather setVisible, as your example does. Thanks!