View Full Version : Release Qt Application

20th May 2011, 06:48
I have a Qt application... it was build using VS2008
When i run the release of a application non of the icons show up.
on debug mode all the icons show up fine.
any one know why this is happening?? :(

20th May 2011, 07:05
Yes. You have not deployed the image format plugins with your deployed release. Search this forum for "imageformats" and read the "Deploying an Application on Windows" page in Assistant (all the way through).

20th May 2011, 10:41
In addition to the above, if you are not using resource file, but load the images directly, their location is not the same if you run from visual studio in debug mode, and when you run the exe it self, because VS uses the project root dir as reference and not the exe location.