View Full Version : Strange - Program faster from Qt Creator?

23rd May 2011, 10:56
I have experienced an unexpected behavior... My software (using extensive network transfers, database (SQLite) and file writing is much faster when started from the IDE than standalone.
The workflow is more less like this - the network socket connection is established, objects of data are received, checked for existence in the database and written to file(s).
For example, the operation which takes one minute when started from Creator takes almost two minutes when started standalone. The case when the data is re-transmitted is especially strange (when no database is updated). For the same example it takes less then 10 sec. from the IDE and more than a minute standalone.
I somehow expected the program to be a bit slower from the IDE....

I'm using 4.7.0 on Ubuntu 10.4, 64bit, Release build.

Anyone having such experience?

Santosh Reddy
24th May 2011, 13:09
Do you use threads?

24th May 2011, 14:15
Not explicitly - I'm not using QThread class. The part of the software doing the actual job is in a external library (dcmtk) but from what I have seen the actual operations are blocking (no event processing during the operations) - if this helps.

Santosh Reddy
24th May 2011, 15:17
There you go, if you see library operations are blocking, then you have a potential suspect for your observations

25th May 2011, 01:22
Are you sure it is not the case that you run the release version under the IDE and debug version as standalone? The only thing that might make your application speed differ is if you output a lot of messages to the console.