View Full Version : Qt Designer How to debug Custom widget???

25th May 2011, 11:38
Dear all,

I use Qt built-in example "taskmenuextension" project and build it on VS.NET release mode.
And i get taskmenuextension.lib and .dll on C:\Qt\4.7.3\examples\designer\taskmenuextension\Re lease
I put them into C:\Qt\4.7.3\plugins\designer floder.
If i attach to Process(Qt Designer.exe), all breakpoint will be disable. How can i do ????

Please help me.
thank you.

Santosh Reddy
27th May 2011, 05:59
for debugging you need debug mode dlls, something like taskmenuextensiond.dll (note xxxxd.dll)

7th July 2011, 09:49
But the Qt Designer can't recognize xxxd.dll widget plguin.
So my widget plugin proj still can't attach with Qt Designer.
Anything help ?