View Full Version : Draw Custom widget

26th May 2011, 07:00
i need to draw widget like this


need some guidance... i have no knowledge about custom drawing.. :)

I was thinking of something like QSystemTrayIcon message notifier..
pops up and shows the message and fades away after sometime..

Santosh Reddy
26th May 2011, 07:08
can't you use Tool Tip

26th May 2011, 07:13
Now im using the tool tip for that function, but need something like tray icon message.. something that user will notice..
there is a possibility of user ignoring the tool tip know... but this will catch the eye of the user...
QMessageBox is the last option..
any ideas??
is there any way of using QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage to my custom widget??

Santosh Reddy
26th May 2011, 07:27
you can force to show tool tip even if mouse is not over it

QToolTip::showText(this->pos(),"Look at Me"); //this is a QWidget