View Full Version : linux baudrate

26th May 2011, 09:40
hi, the baudrate 115200 in linux corresponding value is 4096, i do not know what mean. please help, and baudrate 9600 corresponding value is how? thanks.

27th May 2011, 20:24
What is "corresponding value"? Corresponding to what? What does this have to do with Qt Embedded or Mobile?

28th May 2011, 03:37
i do not know, i read a program about a serial, so need set serial baudrate

cfsetospeed(&newtio, (speed_t)m_nBaudrate);
cfsetispeed(&newtio, (speed_t)m_nBaudrate);

the value m_nBardrate is type of int, and it initialize by configure file. in program the baudrate is should set 115200, but in configure file is set 4098, so i do not know what 4098 mean.

28th May 2011, 07:19
"man cfsetispeed"

28th May 2011, 14:44
ok, i try it, thanks