View Full Version : Need help with QToolButton

27th October 2006, 13:37
Qt 3
I have some window which have a dock window.This dock window creates a QToolBar
mw->addToolBar(); mw it is a pointer to MainWindow.
This function creates ToolBar.
void MainWindow::addToolBar()
QToolBar* toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

It works.
When some event happens I must create button on toolbar.
I do it so:

void MainWindow::addButton()
QToolBar* toolbar_but;
btnpix = new QToolButton(toolbar_but, "");
One button it creates.
But when next event happens -> Segmentation fault .
What it could be?

27th October 2006, 13:49

void MainWindow::addButton()
QToolBar* tb = new QToolButton(DockLeft, "");

BTW what is btnpix?

27th October 2006, 13:56
Store toolbar_but as a member variable. The toolbar_but in addButton() is different than in addToolBar(). It's just a dangling pointer in addButton().

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
// you should store toolbar_but as a member variable for later usage
QToolBar* toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

void MainWindow::addButton()
// the toolbar_but here is not the same toolbar_but as in addToolBar() !!
QToolBar* toolbar_but; // this is just a local variable, a dangling pointer pointing nowhere
btnpix = new QToolButton(toolbar_but, "");

27th October 2006, 13:58
May be I dont understand something but how we can ti convert QToolButton to QToolBar?
For expierence I wrote your code: cannot convert 'QToolButton*' to 'QToolBar*' in initialization.:(

27th October 2006, 14:00
oh sorry that was my mistake.

I actually meant

void MainWindow::addButton()
QToolButton* tb = new QToolButton(DockLeft, "");

Sorry once again.

27th October 2006, 14:04
Store toolbar_but as a member variable. The toolbar_but in addButton() is different than in addToolBar(). It's just a dangling pointer in addButton().

One button it creates.

It's strange.

27th October 2006, 14:46
oh sorry that was my mistake.

I actually meant

void MainWindow::addButton()
QToolButton* tb = new QToolButton(DockLeft, "");

Sorry once again.

They is no such constructor QToolButton(DockLeft, ""); (I did't find it)

27th October 2006, 15:01
oh, I am sorry once again

It should be

void MainWindow::addButton()
QToolButton* tb = new QToolButton(this);

Actually I got confused because of the QToolBar consstructor that your are using.

The constructor that you are using is obsolete

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
QToolBar* toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);// this is obsolete


you should rather be using

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
QToolBar* toolbar_but = new QToolBar(this,0);
toolbar_but->setLabel("Open Pictures");

or may be the other one according to your need.

27th October 2006, 15:01
Store toolbar_but as a member variable. The toolbar_but in addButton() is different than in addToolBar(). It's just a dangling pointer in addButton().

I understand you. But how can I realise it? Toolbutton belongs to mainwindow and I call him in a dock window.

27th October 2006, 15:07
Sorry, I didn't understand. Realise what? You mean how can it be implemented?

// class declaration
class MainWindow : public ...

QToolBar* toolbar_but; // <--- a member variable

// class implementation
void MainWindow::addToolBar()
// store the toolbar as a member variable for later usage
toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

void MainWindow::addButton()
// use the member variable here
btnpix = new QToolButton(toolbar_but, "");

27th October 2006, 15:24
I made as you say from the wery beginning.

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow {

QToolBar* toolbar_but;
void addToolBar();
void addButton();


void MainWindow::addButton()
//QToolBar* toolbar_but;
btnpix = new QToolButton(toolbar_but, "");

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
QToolBar* toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

27th October 2006, 15:29
I made as you say from the wery beginning.

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
// the problem is in here
QToolBar* toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

You are storing the toolbar to a local variable, not to the member variable. It should be:

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
// notice the missing type, you want to use the member variable, not to create a new local variable
toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

27th October 2006, 15:37
You are storing the toolbar to a local variable, not to the member variable. It should be:

void MainWindow::addToolBar()
// notice the missing type, you want to use the member variable, not to create a new local variable
toolbar_but = new QToolBar("Open puctures",this, DockLeft , TRUE ,0);

Have a great thanks from me. Puting types was my mistake.
//(may be its friday)