View Full Version : Qt4.7.1 integration with visual studio 2005

29th May 2011, 11:54
I installed visual studio 2005, then qt-vs-addin-1.1.9.exe.
after installation I am able to see the Qt tab in visual studio menu options. but when I tried to open the menu of qt tabs, it says that qmake is not available.
so then I installed qt-sdk-win-opensource-2010.05.exe.
but now it's giving some message that:
can't find qmake. make sure you have specified a Qt version.

I tried to specify qt version : the error message is-->
this qt version uses an unsupported makefile generator(used: Mingw, supported:MSVC.NET,MSBUILD).

can anyone help me regarding this.
is there any one who is able to integrate visual studio with qt and able to do development work, if so please write me how you exactly done it.
any suggestion is heartly welcome...

29th May 2011, 12:04
Qt SDK is bundled for mingw. You must install Qt sources (http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3.zip) and build binaries with MSVC 2005.