View Full Version : Qt4.7 application dumps with Root user in Fedora 14

2nd June 2011, 06:54
I have an application that was developed using Qt-4.2.2. Now, I am looking to upgrade the version of Qt in my system to 4.7. Also, I am using qwt-5.0.2.

I re-compiled Qwt with Qt-4.7. I am using Fedora 14 on Intel i3 processor.

The problem : My application works fine when I execute it as a normal user, but the application crashes when I try to execute it as a root user.

As per a suggestion in one of the other thread :

A lot of Linux systems disable the X server when running as root; any applications that require it will fail. You can check: see if you can run xclock while you're logged in as root. If so, then the problem lies elsewhere.

I tried the above mention suggestion and I was able to open xclock from my terminal.

Please let me know if I missed out on some detail.

2nd June 2011, 08:27
What messages does the application produce when it crashes? How does the crash manifest itself?

Root typically has much stricter controls in place on a variety of commands to reduce the possibility that an administrator will hose over the system. For example, deleting files often requires confirmation, graphical logins are disabled, and whole groups of commands may be removed from the execution path depending on how console login is performed.

It's impossible to pin down what's going on, though, without some actual information on what you mean by "the application crashes". One likely explanation, especially since you're rebuilding Qt yourself, is that the root account can't find Qt's dynamic libraries. But that's just speculation. Send some error messages.

17th June 2011, 12:03
I getting the following error:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)
Aborted (core dumped)