View Full Version : QGraphicsDropShadowEffect is half baked?

4th June 2011, 13:06

I have a QScrollArea with a bunch of Qwidgets in there. I have plenty of spacing between the widgets (which are generally Qwt Charts). To add some visual appeal I added a QGraphicsDropShadowEffect to each of the widgets in the scrollarea (via setGraphicsEffect).

On Linux/X11 I get a lovely drop shadow and its as solid as a rock. On Mac I get nothing, the Graphics effect is just not shown. On Windows I get drop shadows, but as soon as the scrollarea is scrolled I get hideous update errors.

I notice that the Win and Mac problems are already raised as bugs on the QT bug-tracker and have been closed as 'Out of Scope' !? (7280 and 9656)

Is QGraphicsDropShadowEffect just not getting any love? Is it half-baked and to be avoided?

More importantly, if I switch to using a QGraphicsScene and no longer use a QScrollArea am I just gonna see different issues with this class? I don't want to waste hours of effort adjusting code to find the drop shadow stuff is just half-baked...


4th June 2011, 20:59
Scratch that!

It works fine with the latest Qt SDK ... Qt 4.7.3.

My bad.