View Full Version : QDialog is blank

7th June 2011, 02:03
I am trying to make a simple example of QDialog. I tried this: http://programmingexamples.net/index.php?title=Qt/Dialog but the dialog that is opened does not have the buttons or label that I saw in the Designer. I think it might be a problem with the Dialog() constructor - would someone mind taking a quick look?

Also, I've seen examples that use ->exec() instead of ->show(), but when I try that it says there is no such function.



7th June 2011, 02:16
I think you forget to include QDialog header. It will be better if you post your code, so others can see where is the problem and not just guess.

7th June 2011, 02:40
Compare your Form ctor with your Dialog ctor. Notice anything missing?

Santosh Reddy
7th June 2011, 04:10
You should have got your answer, if have tried to answer norobro's question.

If not here it is...your Dialog is missing the setupUi() call, add this and see if you could get somewhere.