View Full Version : Scrolling between two widgets

30th October 2006, 13:19
I have a configuration dialog more or less similar to the example in Qt (I'm using Qt 4.2.1). I'd like to add special effects to it and one of the ideas I've though of is scrolling between the different group of options when one of them is selected instead of simply switching to it. It would be something like this GIF:


I could create a custom widget and use a QTimer but I've no idea how could I paint the widgets over the custom widget in an exact place to make the effect. I've also though of using QScrollArea/QScrollWidget but they don't provide any way to scroll to an exact pixel. Any ideas?

30th October 2006, 15:39
What you can rather do is, using QTimer decrease the height of the widget that you want to disappear and increase the height of the widget that you want to appear. In the end you can either delete the old widget or hide it.