View Full Version : qt progarmming

9th June 2011, 07:19
I have done a project in which i opened an executable file on clicking a Pushbutton.
I want to open a executable file in another system which is connected through LAN
how i do it ?
i just know few basics about sockets.
How do i proceed please do help
thanks in advance

Santosh Reddy
9th June 2011, 07:38
there are couple of ways to do so, you can have a listener running on the other machine which takes commands over sockets to start a new exec.

try exploring RPC, QtRPC...

14th June 2011, 11:18
I am a new user to Qt
I tried to go through server client examples.
but how can i execute a exe from server to client that too on clicking pushbutton in server?
Well thanks about QtRPC ,RPC
I shall through about it