View Full Version : Multiple instance of Plugin object

15th June 2011, 10:58

can I instantiate multiple object of a plugin class?
I show you a prototype of code I'd like to use

QPluginLoader loader (pluginDir.absoluteFilePath (fileName));

QObject *instance = loader.instance ();
QObject *newObj = 0;
QMetaObject *mo = 0;
if (instance) {
IExample *plugin = qobject_cast<IExample*>(instance);
if (plugin) {
qDebug() << instance->metaObject ()->className () << "plugin says:"
<< plugin->messageString ();

newObj = instance->metaObject ()->newInstance (0);
if (0 != newObj)
qDebug () << "Create New Instance OK";
qDebug () << "Create New Instance Failed";

where IExample is defined

class IExample
virtual ~IExample () {}

virtual QString messageString () const = 0;

Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE (IExample, "local.costa.IExample/1.0")

and this is the loaded plugin

class HelloWorldPlugin: public QObject, IExample

HelloWorldPlugin(QObject *parent = 0);

QString messageString () const;

HelloWorldPlugin::HelloWorldPlugin(QObject *parent)
: QObject (parent)

QString HelloWorldPlugin::messageString() const
return QString("Hello World");

Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2 (HelloWorldPlugin, HelloWorldPlugin)

the output is

HelloWorldPlugin plugin says: "Hello World"
Create New Instance Failed
Found 1 entries

15th June 2011, 12:41
It says in Qt's documentation at QMetaObject::newInstance() this:

Note that only constructors that are declared with the Q_INVOKABLE modifier are made available through the meta-object system.
I don't see this Q_INVOKABLE macro used in your source code. Try adding it and see what happens.

15th June 2011, 14:42
Usually you make the plugin a factory that can return instances of interfaces you need:

class MyPluginIface : ... {
// ...
virtual MyRealIface * create() = 0;

Then you can create as many instances of MyRealIface as you want.

15th June 2011, 16:11
Thank you for the answer.

Your solution is more elegant than than mine.
I was courious about QMetaObject::newInstance().

I solved using joyer83 tips but for a real solution I'll use the factory.