View Full Version : QLabel with multiple layers

16th June 2011, 07:35
Hi all,

I am passing the window id of my QLabel to a 3rd party library, this library will put the graphics data into Qlabel

After once this is done, i need to draw circles on top of the graphics displayed in QLabel

I could able to create a image and draw circles and able to set the pixmap of Qlabel, but it always goes below the graphics displayed on Qlabel..

How do i overcome this problem..

16th June 2011, 09:23
QStackedLayout QStackedLayout::stackingMode-prop=QStackedLayout::StackAll.

16th June 2011, 09:28

I don't know if I have understood you correctly, but:

I assume that If you are passing a window id of your QLabel and not a pointer to a QLabel widget, the 3rd party library will not draw the graphics into QLabel, but on top of that QLabel with some transparency. In that case you can't do too much about it. Try playing with that 3rd party library to see how the graphics is drawn to your QLabel, try to place another QLabel on top of it and set some text. See if the text is drawn on top of that graphics.

16th June 2011, 13:43

I don't know if I have understood you correctly, but:

I assume that If you are passing a window id of your QLabel and not a pointer to a QLabel widget, the 3rd party library will not draw the graphics into QLabel, but on top of that QLabel with some transparency. In that case you can't do too much about it. Try playing with that 3rd party library to see how the graphics is drawn to your QLabel, try to place another QLabel on top of it and set some text. See if the text is drawn on top of that graphics.

Hi Rachol,

if i put another Qlabel above the Qlabel which i pass window id , the graphics is getting displayed on top of both the labels .....

Expected the graphics will be put on the window id of the QLabel which i passed .....Couldn't able to grab hows its working...Any idea..

16th June 2011, 14:10
I am afraid you can't do much about it, if the 3rd party library is drawing a transparent, frameless top-level window on top of your widget's window.