View Full Version : Cocoa vs Carbon | "not of required architecture" error

16th June 2011, 21:48
I have an application with multiple projects. Project B uses classes in project A. Project A compiles fine, however when I try to build project B I get a bunch of "not of required architecture" errors when referring to classes in project A.

in /path/projectA.a, file is not of required architecture

I'm building everything as release GCC (x86 32 bit) on an Intel Core Duo Mac Mini.

I'm new to both QT and Mac development, so bear with me. :p Could this problem be because I'm using the Carbon version of QT and need to be using Cocoa (or visa versa)?

Also, how to I figure out which version (Carbon or Cocoa) of QT I'm running?


Edit: I ran lipo on the file in question, and apparently there is no architecture info. I'm not sure what this means.

$lipo -info projectA.a
lipo: archive with no architecture specification: projectA.a (can't determine architecture for it)