View Full Version : Extra Pixels on Bottom and Right of QTabWidget

24th June 2011, 16:54
I tried searching for this issue and although I was able to find this bug (http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15769) on Qt's website, I wasn't able to find anything regarding non-document mode (in fact, it seemed to imply that the behavior that I was seeing was correct).

Anyways, I am trying to make a simple issue tracker and so I have a QTableWidget and a QTabWidget in a QSplitter as shown:


If you look at the right side of the two widgets, you can see that the frame of the QTableWidget does not line up with the frame of the QTabWidget. I have emphasized the issue here:


My question is, if this is the intended behavior...why was this added to the xp style sheet (it does not appear to have the same extra pixels on Macintosh or Plastique)? And regardless of that, how can I remove the extra white pixels on the bottom and right so that the frame lines up appropriately?


24th June 2011, 23:07
There is no such thing as "XP stylesheet". On Windows XP it is the system that is drawing the looks of widgets so it is likely it is supposed to be that way. You can counter what you see by increasing the right margin of the upper widget until the two widgets are lined up.