View Full Version : list box alignment problem

28th June 2011, 08:17
hello every one i am facing a problem . i have a list view in which i am displaying the items retrieved from the file my file is my file each line of file contain tab separated entries (sample file attached) but when i display it in my list view, item didnt appear aligned.here is the code

void list_load(QStandardItem * root)
FILE * f;
{ printf("not open");
root->appendRow(new QStandardItem("ash"));

QString buffer ="";

char ch = ' ';

while (ch!=EOF)

ch = fgetc(f);
buffer = buffer+ch;


QString status= range(prob);
buffer = buffer +"\t"+ status ;
root->appendRow(new QStandardItem(buffer));

} //while end

}// func end

i have attached my interface and sample file out put kindly help me to align my list box items

28th June 2011, 08:31
It seems like your file containing tab separated entries is broken. Make sure that you don't have 2 tabs between entries in the line.

You can also try to fix your buffer string in the code:

buffer.replace(QRegExp("[\t]+"), "\t");

But if you don't want to get into some troubles later on, you should place each string in a seperate cell, hence using a table would be helpful.

Santosh Reddy
28th June 2011, 08:48
This is a classics problem while using tabs in text file, a lasting solution is split each row into individual cells, as Rachol suggested.