View Full Version : Lib and app together in same project

4th July 2011, 12:15
Hi there,

I made a qml plugin, it's a subproject (.pri). I wanna use that in a Qt Quick application if i simply add into include(xxxplugin/xxxplugin.pri) qmlpro.pro file, It's showing itself like a subproject. If i rebuild project, There is no executable file, just compiling .dll file and qt creator is looking for xxxplugin.EXE ?_? but there is xxxplugin.dll exist, then i'm removing that subproject from .pro file , building again there is creating a new qmlpro.EXE so executable file created and runs perfectly but i can't use booth executable project and a library project at the same time, is there any solution about that ?

6th July 2011, 02:26
Put the lib in one directory with its pro file, the app in another, and use the subdirs template in the PRO file in the directory above to build both.